The manual TAPING MASTER is written for physiotherapists, doctors, orthopedists, sports trainers and masseurs. However, since the book widely uses medical terms, at least some knowledge of anatomy and its terminology is necessary for understanding it. The task of the author is clear and understandable presentation of the material, so that this manual can be used as an educational tool.
The manual outlines medical taping possibilities and variations. It especially focuses on KINEMATICS TEX therapeutic taping in case of pain. This impact is clearly described on medical literature and theory basis. This approach makes taping easier.
Practical aspects of KINEMATICS TEX tape are shown. Besides, a description of various diseases (from orthopedic pain to inner organ pain) and taping compinations are given. For better understanding of the practical aspects of therapeutical taping the manual contains pictures.
The authors of the manual are Lee Ilgu, doctor, professor of science at Dankook University and Ko Kwangjae, doctor, professor of Oriental medicine at Wonkwang University. They also are the main developers of KINEMATICS TEX tape. They often give lectures around the world and lead workshops on the use of original therapeutic KINEMATICS TEX tapes.
A book in English with 203 pages.